Auto Loan Rate Comparison

Auto Loan Rate Comparison Calculator

This calculator that will help you to compare monthly payments and interest costs of auto loans at up to five term and rate combinations simultaneously.

Enter the auto loan amount and then enter one or more term and interest rate combinations.

Enter the amount to finance($):
Number of Months
Interest Rate
% % % % %
Monthly payment
Total principal
Total interest
Total payments



Lemmon Office
519 Main
PO Box 389
Lemmon, SD 57638
Phone: 605-374-3380
Fax: 605-374-3181
Bison Office
120 W. Main
PO Box 220
Bison, SD 57620
Phone: 605-244-7155
Fax: 605-244-7159
Hettinger Office
221 S. Main
PO Box 1020
Hettinger, ND 58639
Phone: 701-567-2153
Fax: 701-567-4692
Pierre Office
120 W. Sioux Ave.
PO Box 7145
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605-224-4844
Fax: 605-224-6066
Faith Office
107 Main
PO Box 549
Faith, SD 57626
Phone: 605-967-2380
Fax: 605-967-2383

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